Fred and Clyde had had many conversations over the years about the afterlife.  They agreed that whoever died first would try to contact the other and tell him what heaven was like.

Fred was the first to pass on.  A year went by.  One day the phone rang, and when Clyde answered, it was Fred!

“Is that really you, Fred?” he asked.

“You bet, Clyde.  It’s really me.”

“Great to hear from you!  I thought you’d forgotten.  So tell me!  What’s it like there?”

“Well, you won’t believe this, Clyde.  It’s absolutely wonderful!  We’ve got the most delicious veggies from the lushest fields you have ever seen.  We get to sleep in every morning, have a fabulous breakfast, and then make love the rest of the morning.  After a nutritious lunch, we go out in the fields and make love some more.  Then it’s time for a gourmet dinner and some more lovemaking until bedtime.”

“Omigod!” said Clyde.  “Heaven sounds fabulous!”

“Heaven?” said Fred.  “I’m a rabbit in Arizona.”

From the book, “Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through Those Pearly Gates: Using Philosophy (and Jokes!) to Explore Life, Death, the Afterlife, and Everything in Between”

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